Average Joes

I think people don’t talk often about being average. Sure, there’s discussion around excellent overachievers and depressed underachievers but never about the in-the-middle achievers.

You know them, the people that get somewhat good grades but never get the best out of the whole class, the ones who are somewhat good looking but never the finest in the room, the ones who are good at a few things but never win an award or get recognized for those things.

We need average Joes, because if everyone was winning or losing, there would be no point to any of it. Some people have to observe. While some get 1st and last positions in class or sports, we need those that get 2nd, 3rd, 4th…etc.

Being born in Nigeria, you’re raised to be the best, to compete in every aspect of your life, as if that somehow determines your worth. ‘Maybe I’ll matter if I stay at the top. Maybe people will notice me if I look the best. Maybe I’ll be valued if I’m the most talented.’

It’s not that deep. You can just be an average Joe because it has its benefits. Ordinary people do extraordinary things all the time. You don’t have to be under the spotlight to keep the show going.

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